2020 Match Day Celebration
March 19, 2020
This year's Match Day was anything but ordinary! Students connected virtually and shared their exciting news through social media using #MSUMDMatch. View photo gallery
Results from the 2020 Match
A record 99% (197/199) of students placed in residencies through the 2020 National Resident Matching Program, Military Match and Advanced Matches.
- Eighty-four (84) medical students or 42.6% are entering a primary care residency (i.e., Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Medicine/Pediatrics, and Pediatrics).
- Eighty-six (86) of the seniors (43.7%), will remain in Michigan for 2020 for their residency training programs.
- The top six specialty placements in rank order by percentage are listed below.
- Family Medicine (38 graduates, 19.3%)
- Internal Medicine (26 graduates, 13.2%)
- Emergency Medicine (18 graduates, 9.1%)
- Surgery – General (17 graduates, 8.6%)
- Pediatrics (16 graduates, 8.1%)
- Obstetrics and Gynecology (15 graduates, 7.6%)