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Frequently Asked Questions

Admissions specific FAQ

Program specific Questions

  • What makes LMU unique?

    Infographic detailing reasons that makes the LMU program unique. Full alt text in paragraph below.


    Full alt text for above image.
    Infographic detailing reasons that makes the LMU program unique, including:

    • Broadens students' perspective of our health system, social determinants of health, vulnerable populations, and health disparities.
    • Provides an opportunity for active engagement within the community
    • You will receive one-on-one mentorship and guidance
    • Creates an environment of camaraderie with your LMU cohort
    • Creates connections and opportunities for community-based and community-engaged research
  • What is the layout of the LMU program, over the 4 years of medical school?

    LMU consists of:

    A programmatic layout of the LMU program over the 4 years a student is in the program. A full description is in text below the image.

    Full alt text for above image.

    Infographic detailing the LMU program layout, including:

    • Year 1: Monthly didactics (1st Wednesday of each month) for 1st semester with a goal of learning about related concepts in terms of caring for vulnerable populations.
    • Year 2: Monthly didactics (1st Wednesday of each month) for 2nd semester with a goal of connecting to Flint through mentors, doctors, community leaders speaking to the cohort. Additional connection through participating in community-related events such as the Flint Community Webinar (and practicing important skills such as health education).
    • Year 3: Experiential learning through community-based electives. You will be paired with a community organization for 2 weeks in the Fall and 2 weeks in the Spring. The goal is engaging community, developing leadership skills specific to caring for underserved and vulnerable populations.
    • Year 4: students participate in a consecutive 4-week medical elective in an underserved area. A majority of students choose to travel internationally. Students have traveled to Peru, Costa Rica, Ecuador, India, and more! There is also a domestic option. The goal is to practice skills the student has learned in a one month rotation (and learn about global care of underserved populations if they travel internationally).
  • Where are LMU students located in preclinical and clinical years?

    All students in the LMU program come to Flint for their clinical (3rd and 4th) years. A spot in LMU guarantees you will be in Flint for the community campus selection, avoiding the uncertainty of location for 3rd and 4th year. A minority of students in East Lansing and Grand Rapids will remain in those locations after their first 2 years, with the majority leaving for the many other community campuses the college has to offer.



    Full alt text for above image that shows the 1st and 2nd year of medical school is at the East Lansing or Grand Rapids campus and the 3rd and 4th year of medical school is at the Flint campus.

  • What is the process for selecting a community partner site?

    Infographic detailing the process for selecting a community partner site. Full alt text is below the image.


    Full alt text for above image.

    Infographic detailing the process for selecting a community partner site.

    • September of 3rd year: meet one-on-one with LMU team
    • Early October: Sent survey to rank top 3 choices for community site
    • Late October: Selections are made (most students get top choice)
    • November: Community electives takes place
  • Do all LMU students do international rotations?

    The majority of LMU students will complete a 4th year global elective (as their LMU elective requirement); however, some students complete this requirement domestically.